Dr Rajat Bajaj is an eminent name in the field of medical oncology. He has over 10 years of vast experience in targeted and immunotherapy-related treatment processes for cancer. He is an award-winning doctor who is famous among his patients and peers. He always strives hard to achieve the best for his patients.
- Designation: Director
- Department : Dept of Medical Oncology
Area of Interest
- Breast cancer / Lymphoma.
- Prostate cancer / Oriental Cancer.
- Gl cancers.
- Lung cancer.
Education & Training
- DNS SS Medical Oncology - Rajiv Gandhi Cancer ECMO (Europe).
- Institute and Research Centre, Delhi.
- MD Medicine - Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi.
- MBBS - Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi (2007).
- Director, Dept of Medical Oncology Fortis Hospital, Noida.
Awards, Honours, & Memberships
- Indian Achievers Award 2021-22 for outstanding professional Achievement in oncology.
- PS Raman memorial award for best paper in international journal 2020 at RGCON 2022.
- European Society of Medical Oncology certified.
- Advanced perceptorship course in Immunotherapy (Geneva).
- Advanced perceptorship course in breast cancer (Berlin).
- Winner of Max national level Quiz 2018, Delhi.
- Winner of ICON Quiz 2017, Lucknow.
- Finalist of Torrent Young Scholar Award, 2017.
- Best oral paper presentation in Best of SABCS Delhi, 2017.
- Poster presentation ni ACOS, New Delhi, 2016.
- Have been a national level faculty in Medicine for PG entrance examinations for 8 years.
- Distinction in Microbiology in Prof examination in 2005.
- International Society of Medical and Pediatric Oncology (ISMPO).
- European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO).
- American Society of Medical Oncology (ASCO).
- Indian Medical Association (IMA).
- Over 10 publications in International and nationally reputed indexed peer-reviewed journals.
- Location & Duration of OPD.
- Soir Consultant Medical Oncology Fortis Hospital Noida.
- Consultant Medical Oncology, IOSPL, Noida.
- Senior Registrar - Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute (Delhi).
- Senior Registrar - Lok Nayak Hospital and GB Pant Hospital (Delhi).

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